New Feature Alert! 🚨



We’ve got a new feature to introduce to our community! ✨

Over the last year we have been working on developing more features in-app that use BTZ in order to give you more options within our community directly to use your BTZ. You first saw this with the release of the ISO searching feed and ability to bump up your ISO List using 8BTZ, our latest feature below, and we have a few other very exciting options in the works for the coming months that will also give you more uses for your BTZ in-app, and eventually...🤫. We’re not ready to share yet, but don’t worry, you’ll all be the first to know each step of the way as we release!

Enter - reposting your item posts!

Long gone are the days of deleting and reposting older items in your profile to bump them to find a Bun who might be interested in your item. You can now simply repost the item you would like to bump in order to bump it up the Recent Feed using 3BTZ.

We have released this feature on all platforms between mobile and web, please feel free to check it out once you have updated your app, and repost some of your 921 day old items still sitting in your closet!

Reduce. Reuse. Repair. Recycle. ♻️

Stay safe ☢️ Wear a mask 😷 Wash your hands 🧼

🖤 Bunz



Condition is not specified.

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New Feature Alert! 🚨 photo 1
New Feature Alert! 🚨 photo 2
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