Guitar Art WIP Today...


Keeping busy indoors...Day 16 or 17 I think? Losing track. Had to paint a spirit piece today because it feels like Spring is heady in its stead to transform - and I need bright colours and flighty movement to keep me aloft if even supine indoors. Work in progress today, some welcome colour alone at home.

This ol guitar is broken and would have been cast aside but now it lives again as host to winged beauty - if I can’t see the mighty Heron right now as the season shifts beyond my door - then I will paint Him. The undulating curves of the guitar immediately inspired a tribute to the graceful curves of The Crane and Heron. Will post finished piece soon - Stay Home folks!

Shout out to my dear friend Shanna @shotsey who saved the day by sending a care package of staples for my staple gun so I can get back to stretching canvas - I ran out of staples to come and am not venturing out to find some - it’s safer to stay indoors - all of us! Thanks Shanna for helping me stay busy alone in isolation my art at least keeps me grounded and energized! #art #artzone #stayinghome #colorsustainsme



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Guitar Art WIP Today... photo 1
Guitar Art WIP Today... photo 2
Guitar Art WIP Today... photo 3
Guitar Art WIP Today... photo 4
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