Hanging Air Plant Display



Beautiful hanging air plant/tillandsia display, perfect for the holidays! #giftit

These guys are super easy to take care of - they have no roots, so you just take them out of the display once a week and submerge them in cool water for 20 minutes. Good in any amount of lighting, and may turn a vibrant reddish pink when blooming or if stressed.

The quartz's color is not super evident but it's a lot more pink in person (it's natural, raw uncut rose quartz).

Plant itself can be swapped out with another species if you don't like this one - send me a message and I'll show you the others I have that I can include in this display!

ISO 4500 btz or $35 gift card for this one. If it's a bit too pricey for you, I can make smaller custom displays as well, in a similar style. Toss me a message!



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