Thank You BUNZ (+ Greeting Cards For Trade!)



Hello all you beautiful Bunz!

This is mostly a gratitude post. I've always had a passion for making cute and funny greeting cards, but never had the time or courage to pursue it seriously.

Then COVID hit and I had the time.

Next I needed the courage. So I made a few cards and my first pilot to see if there was any interest whatsoever was on Bunz! (See previous post). The positive feedback that I got from you all gave me the courage to launch my little business.

Fast forward to today, where I have made some sales on Instagram and Etsy, and most recently gotten my product accepted into a retail store (last week, which is what the 2nd photo is from, woot woot!)!

So I wanted to say a big THANK YOU to you Bunz, for being an awesome, grassroots, genuine community, that felt safe enough to put myself out there and get feedback from. I would not have gotten the initial confidence to launch my cards without you! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ And an extra big thank you to those bunz who have already traded or purchased some of my cards. It means THE WORLD!!! ๐Ÿฅฐ . . I am open to trading cards for my ISO items, AND I am still honouring my original offer to trade 550 btz for 1 card (limit 1 per person as I am still a tiny business trying to start up!) ๐Ÿšฉcontactless pick up from near St Clair + Bathurst . In case you do need some cards feel free to follow me on IG as well ( @Cards_by_Heiya ), where you can find my full selection ๐Ÿค— if you need more than 1 card, pricing details are posted there too!



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Thank You BUNZ  (+ Greeting Cards For Trade!) photo 1
Thank You BUNZ  (+ Greeting Cards For Trade!) photo 2
Thank You BUNZ  (+ Greeting Cards For Trade!) photo 3
Thank You BUNZ  (+ Greeting Cards For Trade!) photo 4
Thank You BUNZ  (+ Greeting Cards For Trade!) photo 5
Thank You BUNZ  (+ Greeting Cards For Trade!) photo 6
Thank You BUNZ  (+ Greeting Cards For Trade!) photo 7
Thank You BUNZ  (+ Greeting Cards For Trade!) photo 8
Thank You BUNZ  (+ Greeting Cards For Trade!) photo 9
Thank You BUNZ  (+ Greeting Cards For Trade!) photo 10
Thank You BUNZ  (+ Greeting Cards For Trade!) photo 11
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