ISO Rugs/Mats for CH Cats


Looking for unwanted foam interlocking mats, unused yoga mats, soft rugs, blankets, comforters, pillows, cushions, crib runners, seat cushions, towels, or anything else that would be suitable to keep area safety-proofed for two special needs cats who were born with a neurological condition called Cerebellar Hypoplasia. This condition causes them to be unbalanced and uncoordinated when getting from point A to point B. They are not in any pain from the condition itself, and as they do fall down often any accidental injuries can be avoided by keeping their environment safe (heavily padded). The one on the left is Kiki who has moderate CH, and Pippa on the right is a little more severely affected. Pippa sometimes has accidents on her padding/bedding and sometimes it isn't washable, especially when it soaks into her foam mats. Thanks for all your help!



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ISO Rugs/Mats for CH Cats photo 1
ISO Rugs/Mats for CH Cats photo 2
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