
•Waterproof Deck Storage Box •A nice tea kettle •White paint/primer 2 in 1 •Easy Care/Air Purifying plants (no clippings) •Noise cancelling headphones (with cord) •Ring light tripod •Webcam for Mac •Wireless Mouse

Services: •low lights •Ombré Brows •Massage

Household ISOs: •Small Circle Dining Table •Natural/Organic: Detergent Hand Soap Dish Soap Cleaner Toothpaste (Brand Examples: Attitude, Nature Clean, Dr Bronners etc) •Sealed/unexpired consumables: frozen fruit, almonds, pumpkin seeds, rice crackers, nice chocolate, Dandyblend, maple syrup, sprouting seeds (broccoli), hemp seeds, oat milk •Paper towels and TP

Other: •See likes for other ideas •Candle Supplies: Soy or Coconut wax, cotton wicks, wick trimmer, glass jars (riviera yogurt jars especially), circle sticker labels (for printing) •I accept 💵 if we can’t work out a trade and it’s offered •I will always accept the following GCs if have them: Groceries Petsmart or Pet Valu Dollarama Winners Amazon

Thank you for taking the time to read this! 😀🙏



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