Fresh Huacatay/Marigold/Black Mint


I have an huge amount of Huacatay aka Southern Cone Marigold aka Peruvian Black mint coming out of my garden. And I need it all gone.

ISO seeds or other fresh herbs. Not expecting a similar amount... Seriously I have so much of this.

I don't want to compost it, as it is a delicious ingredient used in medicinal tea, seasoning meat and vegetables, and a key part of Peruvian sauces.

I'm happy to give it to anyone who will use it, however you'll need to come to my garden (Lansdowne station area) to harvest it. It is triggering a powerful allergic reaction in me, which is why I need it gone.



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Fresh Huacatay/Marigold/Black Mint photo 1
Fresh Huacatay/Marigold/Black Mint photo 2
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