**FREE - Big EUC Bear ðŸĪŽðŸ§ļ


I'd say it's almost like new despite being over 20 years old (bow is a bit wrinkled and nose is a tad scuffed) Backstory: I got this for Christmas as a toddler from my aunt who was hoping to blow my mind with the size. However, I had just woken up from my car-ride snooze on the way to the get-together, so I didn't really react to it 😂😂 Deodorant for scale, because teddies wear deodorant too ðŸĪŠ Pick up or can probably arrange for a drop off if needed 🙂 Would really like this to go somewhere where it'll be really appreciated 🙂



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**FREE - Big EUC Bear ðŸĪŽðŸ§ļ photo 1
**FREE - Big EUC Bear ðŸĪŽðŸ§ļ photo 2
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