Be Kind! (please?)


Bit of a mini rant, bit of a PSA.

So I had a weird interaction (not on Bunz, but another social media buy/sell/trade site) with someone because I didn’t reply right away. I was ill with a stomach flu. When I messaged her today, I first apologized for the delay in getting back to her, than I had been down with the stomach flu, and would this time work for her. She was very upset that I had not gotten back to her sooner and made sure I knew it, that I was the one who was inconsiderate and rude. She just as easily could have said ‘I bought elsewhere’, but she turned it into something bigger than it needed to be.

I’m telling Bunz this because firstly, this hasn’t been a great month for my physical health, but secondly, I also regularly battle with anxiety. I will sometimes get overwhelmed by messages and take a day or two away from the app (and other social media for that matter). I do try to reply to everyone even if I’m not interested in the trade offer, though I do miss some people. I won’t be upset if I haven’t replied and you send me a nudge a couple days later.

On the flip side, understand that you don’t always know what the other person is dealing with. I could have been having a bad mental health day, I could have been dealing with family emergency, or, I could have been vomiting every hour for a day and half and checking my messages wasn’t a priority. Just be kind—not just to me, and not just on Bunz, but to everyone in your life. We are all dealing with things that others don’t know about. Don’t assume that the other person is being rude on purpose, ignoring you or trying to be difficult. Give people the benefit of the doubt. I think we’d all be better off if we were all just a little kinder and more understanding.

That’s all for today! Thanks for sticking with me to the end :)



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Be Kind! (please?) photo 1
Be Kind! (please?) photo 2
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