Brand new in box Stokes upsidedown beer glass. Received as a gift, but kitchen cupboard is already full.
Pick up preferred or can meet at coxwell station. Will trade for beer. 🍺
“Enjoy your next cold one from this fun, lightweight double-walled glass. Designed to keep your beer colder for longer on the inside with no condensation on the outside. Crafted of glass, this glass guarantees a cold beer and will be sure to strike up conversation at any gathering.”[IMJ]%20PMAX%20-%20High-Margin%20Products%20-%20EN&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_srAgt28gQMVdQ-zAB28SwPPEAQYASABEgIjSvD_BwE
Unused, sealed, and in the original packaging or with the original tag.
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