Reversing Fibromyalgia: The Whole-Health Approach to Overcoming Fibromyalgia Through Nutrition, Exercise, and Supplements by Joe M. Elrod
Pain, aches, depression, fatigue. These symptoms can be telling signs of an emerging disorder, Fibromyalgia, which is related to arthritis but also quite different. Until recently, lack of information has produced only minimally effective treatments. In this completely updated edition, however, Dr. Elrod provides an effective regimen, including nutrition, physical and mental exercise, and supplementation therapies that not only make fibromyalgia a manageable disease, but also a reversible one.
Product details Paperback: 286 pages Publisher: Woodland Publishing; 2 edition (Aug. 31 2002) Language: English ISBN-10: 158054326X ISBN-13: 978-1580543262 About the Author Dr. Elrod holds multiple degrees in exercise physiology and has completed post-doctoral research in the areas of nutrition, exercise physiology, heart disease, cancer and arthritis. A former professor, he is now a health consultant who has worked with various groups, including AT&T, McDonalds, NASA and various university medical student organizations.
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