Leca hydroton Clay Balls Pebbles Semi Hydro


Could trade some of my extra leca. Perhaps $5 Trade value per Litre.

Clay pebbles can retain moisture and is reusable growing medium for plants. Less messy and decrease likelihood for pests. Can grow full plants w/ nutrient water long term or an efficient way to propagate cuttings with strong root system.

House plant cuttings I’ll likely be interested in: Unique syngonium varieties Cebu blue pothos mature form Manjula Pothos Anthurium cirinoi Philodendron plowmanii Scindapsus pictus silver splash / silver lady Philodendron Brandtianum Aglaonema Chocolate / Pink Moon Hoya obovata Lemon Lime Maranta Hoya wayetii - variegated preferred Calathea roseopicta / illustris (kind of looks like a medallion) Moraea tortillis

Some other cuttings plant things I have to trade not on profile: Gasteria Haworthia cuttings or baby succulents Golden pothos Marble queen pothos Maranta red vein Led grow light strip Leca / Clay Pebbles Hoya callistophylla Hoya sunrise Hoya pubicalyx splash Hoya krohniana super Eskimo super silver Raphidophora tetrapsperma mini Monstera Monstera Pinnatipartita Anthurium Regale (full plant not cutting)

Not ready yet Anthurium Crystallinum silver (usually cost close to double the price of regular) Anthurium clarinervium Philodendron 69686 Philodendron el Choco red Philodendron gloriosum Philodendron billietiae



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Leca hydroton Clay Balls Pebbles Semi Hydro photo 1
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Leca hydroton Clay Balls Pebbles Semi Hydro photo 5
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