Somebody please save me. All of these and more. Decorative stones for your plants, succulents, cacti. Every colour, shape, and size. I’m dreaming of somebody taking the whole lot. Please make me an offer. At least $50 in value pictured here. Would be happy with $25 trade value just to be rid of them.
#Plant #plants #planter #cactus #cacti #succulent #plantcare #plantlover #soil #soilalternative #clay #clayballs #plantmom #plantdad #leca #rareplant #claypebbles #GrowMedia #IndoorPlant #HydroponicGrowing #GardeningSystem #gardening #Supplies #Gardeningsupplies #growingmedium #dressingstones #plantrocks #plantart #plantpebbles #pebbles #rocks #stones #terrarium #plantart #plantdecor
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