Gorgeous Crystal Bracelet - Ruby In Fuschite


Brand new from the Rock Store. I meant to resize it, but never got around to it, so it was never worn. Lighter for size.

"Ruby in Fuchsite is a lovely combination of natural red Ruby crystals embedded in pale to medium green Fuchsite. Great for any collection, Ruby in Fuchsite merges the qualities of Ruby and Fuchsite for the perfect Heart Stone. Ruby Fuchsite will help to clear any blockage of the Heart Chakra and fill the void with positive, loving energies. Ruby Fuchsite helps one to maintain an awareness of individuality, while also completely connecting with humanity as a whole. Use Ruby Fuchsite for transforming destructive, negative energies into positive, helpful ones." (https://www.healingcrystals.com/Ruby_in_Fuchsite_Articles_61.html)



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