Tarot Reading 🔮


Tarot reading can be a beautiful tool whether or not you are inclined to believe in some sort of spiritual or magical property. For me, when I first started, I liked to think about tarot as a means of checking in with my subconscious mind. What symbolism and meaning stood out to me, what did I relate to, what seemed accurate? - these are all questions that you can ask yourself to get a deeper understanding of what's going on in your brain and heart.

I've been tarot reading for over 2 years now, both in person and over zoom, and have yet to receive negative feedback. I would be happy to provide this service as part of a trade :)

Some guidelines/disclaimers: 1.) Although every situation is unique and I can be flexible, for the sake of my time and energy as a blanket statement, I will be providing 3 card readings. Message me to inquire what that can look like if you're curious

2.) This is not a substitute for legal or psychological council. Although I've had beautiful and astonishing experiences with tarot reading, all messages should be taken through the lens of rationality.

3.) I am not comfortable connecting you to passed loved ones/spirit guides, that is deeply personal and something you should undertake for yourself. Deities or Ancestors maybe, but I reserve the right to refuse.

4.) Please keep in mind that, while hopefully connected, loving, and emotionally fulfilling, this is ultimately a professional encounter. I do not have counseling skills, and I also have my own triggers and trauma that I will not dump on to you, so please do not nonconsensually dump yours onto me ❤️

Don't be shy to dm me any questions with respect :)



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