LUSH + Neighbour To Neighbour


Hey guys & gals! If you’re in the downtown area please consider stopping by Lush in rideau this Sunday from 12-4 to press your own bath bomb! All we’re asking for is any kind of Donation for the super wonderful Canadian program Neighbour to Neighbour! You can donate food,clothes, or gift cards! So if you’re looking to donate anything from your profiles or stuff you have laying around bows the chance to help people and families that have moved to Canada either as refuges, starting a new life for their families, or even just doing it for themselves! This group gives new comers not only a welcome basket but gives them people to reach out to for anything they need help with, which makes the biggest difference of all since there is nothing harder then moving somewhere and knowing no one at all.

So what better way to start off the Holiday season by giving back! Plus you get a cool bath bomb that you can keep for yourself or gift it to someone in your life! Hope to see some of you there! 💖



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LUSH + Neighbour To Neighbour photo 1
LUSH + Neighbour To Neighbour photo 2
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