Kitchen stuff


Free if you prefer, but open to thoughtful trade offers also. ( For offers, did you check my likes first? )

List of what is included:

  • big bundle of (at least 50-70 if not more) thin wooden skewers

  • sizeable collection (approx. 40-50) of take out packets, mostly ketchup and soy sauce, but some vinegar and wasabi as well,

  • about a cup of rice flour in a large jar (not shown in pics, forgot, but will be included)

  • unopened Knorr cream of leek soup mix,

  • unopened Knorr Hollandaise sauce mix,

  • TUMS antiacid with at least half a dozen chewies left

Must take all without giving me grief esp. if you want free, free, free.

Assume all items are past their sell before date so there are no confusion or disappointments.

Be specific in your responses, don't send vague messages. Meeting at primary location only. By 6:45PM or 8:30PM on most days.



Gently used and may have minor cosmetic flaws, but is fully functional.

Meeting spots

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